What Causes Infertility and How Is It Diagnosed?

Not getting pregnant after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse is termed infertility. While there are many causes of infertility, let’s shed some light on the major causes of infertility in males and females. If you’re also facing fertility issues, we recommend you to visit a private fertility clinic London to get the best treatment and care.

4 Major Causes of Infertility In Men and Women:

 Below we discuss the leading causes of infertility in both men and women.

1.      Age

Age is the most significant factor that affects a man’s fertility as the sperm quality and quantity decreases when he moves towards the age of 40 to 45 years.

In women also, fertility tends to decline unremittingly with age. The younger the female, the more chances she has to conceive. After the age of 32-35, the number and the quality of eggs decreases hence leaving a lesser chance for pregnancy.

2.      Irregular Ovulation Cycle

Infertility in women is often caused at the stage of ovulation. Sometimes, the egg is not released during some cycles or at all. Infertility affects around 10-15% of the general population.

3.      Weight Problems

Other factors like obesity affect fertility in females. Being overweight, however, does not affect fertility but being obese can play a role in causing infertility and can decrease your chances of getting pregnant.

4.      Drug Use

Use of drugs, alcohol, and smoking cab cause long-term problems regarding infertility in both males and females. Drugs enter the bloodstream and directly affect the sperm or eggs, leading to infertility.

At the London Obs and Gynae Clinic, a private fertility clinic, doctors focus on the couple’s history to identify the leading cause of their infertility. First, they examine both partners’ medical history while considering the menstrual cycles, history of surgery, drug use and smoking, etc. After which suitable tests are carried out.

These examinations help figure out the core problems causing infertility in either of the partners while sorting out the cures and treatments required to decode these issues. The section below discusses the major diagnostic processes used for treating infertility.

2 Most Common Diagnostic Processes For Infertility

Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are performed to diagnose the uterus condition and measure the chances of pregnancy.

Hysteroscopy is a process of diagnosing uterus problems using a thin telescope-like device infused with a light inserted in the vagina into the uterus. If the doctors feel the need to perform a biopsy, small tools can be passed through a thin device called a hysteroscope.

On the other hand, laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the surgeon to diagnose the problem while looking into the pelvis.

If you’re looking for a reliable and renowned clinic to treat infertility, check out The London Obs and Gynae clinic. You can visit in person or book an online appointment during the working hours of your choice at this private fertility clinic in London.

By Mudassar Ali

is an IT consultant, guest blogger, author and writer. Contributor in HopeNews. Love to travel and write. More than 15 years in IT, and I am still learning!