Contribution/Guest Post Submission Guidelines
Please don’t waste your time(STRICTLY), if your news/articles/pitches/guest posts are not according to the guidelines suggested below:
GokNews daily publishes news/articles/pitches/guest posts from experts who can produce unique and useful perspectives to our readers on news, trends, emerging technologies, businesses, politics and other areas of interest related to all trendy topics.
Here are the Guidelines:
Include an eye-catchy headline/title.
Keep your news/articles/pitches/guest posts to the point, avoid long introductions.
Make sure the word count is between 500-1,500 (your content must be really good with grammar and the quality, we will not approve low level or full of errors article at all).
Please don’t forget to add a landscape featured image to your publication.
We only allow ONE backlink to your site: IMPORTANT: (please make sure we don’t allow backlinks to product selling or services selling pages/sites), backlink URL must be an informative page/post/blog/site, Note: Please make sure your backlink is in or after the middle of the article!
Restricted topics: we strictly don’t allow topics related to drugs, medicines, adult content, casino, gambling, product/services selling, other language sites than ENGLISH, spam sites…
If you are submitting an article for your own sake, fill in the author bio on your profile page(no website linsk or promotions in profiles), if this submission is on a company’s behalf, make sure you fill out all the possible details.
We only accept original news/articles/pitches/guest posts, please don’t republish any publication that has been submitted to other sources.
We do answer to all submissions within 24 hours, if your submission is not been answered or been trashed, that means we are not allowing your submission at all, please don’t resubmit, save time!
Signup with GokNews to submit your story!
For any other inquiry, please email us at pitches [AT] goknews [DOT] com!