travel gadgets

Everyone has an explorer hidden inside him/her. All that is needed is to bring it out! Take a deep breath, go out and explore the world! Outdoor trips are fun, and it is even more exciting to visit new places and take a little dose of adventure. No matter how exciting you may feel and no matter how addicted you are to “wanderlust”, you most definitely should carry travel gadgets for the ease of your journey.

If it is merely something to keep you occupied on public transport, to help in your travels or that no holiday can do without, gadgets are becoming more and more prevalent in the modern age where travel and communication become commonplace.

So here is the rundown of the best gadgets that no traveler can journey without:

Aukey 20,000mAh Portable External Battery Charger:
Priced at £16, this power bank is highly affordable for the capacity it offers and has two USB ports for different output levels so you can charge two devices at once. Therefore, it is impeccablefor when your phone’s battery is about to die and you need it urgently.

This high capacity power bank powered by a 20000mAh Lithium Polymer battery providessufficient emergency back-up power to charge an iPhone more than 10 times. It also appears slim; hence it is easy to carry and looks smart.

Mobi EyeFi SD Card:
Time is precious during your jovial moments, and the last thing you want to spend time doing is transferring your recent photographs from one device another, faffing around with memory cards, cameras and laptops when you could have spent the same time having a mesmerizing experience on a hill side.

With its built-in Wi-Fi, Mobi EyeFi SD Card is ideal for travel to any location. The card, priced from £24.99 for 8GB comes with relevant application to transfer pictures from your camera to your favorite iOS, Android or Kindle device as you take them. EyeFi Mobi works like any regular SDHC card, performs well in most cameras and has an incorporated Wi-Fi that pairs your camera to your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac so you can capture photos and videos and watch them instantly appear on the screen.

While traveling, your greatest concern might be running out of water, which could greatly hamper your trip. However, Fontus makes water out of light and air! One such example is the “Fontus Ryde”, a self-filling water bottle for your bicycle. It harvests water while you are on your bike tour and stay regularly hydrated. This bottle utilizes the airstream you create while riding in order to support a cooler which helps to condense water from the air.

Similarly, “Fontus Airo”saves you from the problem of weight and may also prove to be life-saver! Whether you are hiking in the mountains, camping by the forest or readying for a survival trip in the desert, Airo invariably guarantees you a safe and smooth adventure.

Such gadgets truly ought to be carried out on journeys, because not only do they ease your travel, but also save you from being trapped or worse, run out of resources of energy. So think well, plan well, prepare well and be ready for the adventure!

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!