

Origin of Valentine’s Day is, according to most sources date back to the 3rd century AD. Rome alive when a priest named Valentine. He was known for the good deeds he did for the sick, the elderly and the poor.

Valentinus healed the blind stepdaughter of Asterius, governor of Rome. Asterius him here was so grateful that he converted to Christianity and immediately left all Christian prisoners. For Emperor Claudius II, this was enough reason to behead 270 Valentinus on February 14.

Some sources say that Valentinus was beheaded because he had married young couples in secret, something that the emperor had banned.

Valentinus was later canonized a public holiday was by the church and February 14th. Especially in England the festival was widely celebrated.

 It was at that time not usual to openly express your love to someone, but this was an exception to February 14. Everyone could then his beloved surprise impunity with a gift or letter.

A Pagan festival?

There are sources that say; Valentine’s Day is derived from the Roman Lupercalia festival. Lupercalia was 15 February in honor of fertility Lupercus.

For the Romans it was an important feast. The party was probably celebrated near the cave where Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were raised by wolves.

Here, according to the story, the names of unmarried young women thrown into a large bowl.

Unmarried men were then in turn draw a name. During the party were these two young people than each partner. When Europe came Christianity, this pagan festival was forbidden by the church and replaced it Lupercalia by Valentine’s Day.

The fact is that British emigrants Valentine introduced in America. In the United States, the tradition picked up by commerce. Later it from the country has also become a popular celebration in many European countries.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!