Sony Will Keep the PS3 Download Store Open Anyway

Tech giant Sony has partly reversed an earlier decision to discontinue the online stores of a series of older platforms. The PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita stores will continue to exist.


“Clearly, we made the wrong decision,” said CEO and President of Sony’s Interactive Entertainment division Jim Ryan in a blog post. Three weeks ago, the company announced that it would be closing its PSN stores for some older platforms this summer.

This would mean, among other things, that users of PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable can no longer buy games online.

The company will therefore come back to that in part. The online stores for PS3 and Vita will remain open until further notice, the store for PSP will close on July 2.

You will therefore be able to buy video games for those two other platforms via the built-in store in the console. The online shop via the website will remain closed. It was taken off the air last month.

By Kim McDonalds

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