Jeremy Corbyn Accepts May Invitation to Find A Way Out of Brexit

Theresa May has opted for a softer Brexit course on Tuesday. She wants to sit down with opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn to find a way to get her agreement settled by the lower house. Jeremy Corbyn announced to accept May’s outstretched hand.

This may include permanent membership of the European Customs Union. If that does not lead to a solution, it is prepared to embrace the alternatives that the House of Commons may come up with.

She will ask Brussels for the further postponement but still wants the British to leave the European Union for the European elections on 22 May. As far as she is concerned, a No Deal is currently on the table.

The European leaders will meet next Wednesday to study the proposal that the British will be putting on the table. If nothing happens, the British threaten to leave the EU two days later without agreement,

The British Prime Minister explained all this after an eight-hour cabinet meeting, the longest in the island’s political history.

She had to choose that she managed to postpone for two years: listen to the Brexiteers and go for a No Deal or, for the sake of caution, follow the soft course that the remainder advocates.

At the start of the meeting, the Cabinet Secretary had again warned of the consequences of No Deal.

By Mattoo Rani

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