Ivanka Trump tried to Defend her Father in Berlin

Invited by Angela Merkel to speak at the Women 20 summit, an international event aimed at promoting the economic empowerment of women, Ivanka Trump faced a rather hostile audience with her father president.

At a roundtable on the place of women in the world, alongside Angela Merkel and Christine Lagarde, she had to defend Donald Trump, accused of being misogynistic following several shocking statements against women.

As she began talking about her father and “support for families,” Ivanka Trump had to stop for a few moments following signs of public discontent. The questions then resumed on his father and on his alleged lack of consideration with regard to the female.

Ivanka Trump immediately assured her that “the thousands of women who have worked with and for her for decades … show her faith and a strong belief in the potential of women and their ability to do the job like no other what a man”.

During the American presidential campaign, a video dating from 2005 was out of the archives. Donald Trump made WWE Raw and degrading remarks about women. He had made an outcry in his own camp.

Moderator of the debate and editor-in-chief of a German newspaper, Miriam Meckel also addressed the rather vague role of the “first girl”, and the interests she represented: those of her father, Americans or her personal affairs?

If she did not represent her own interests, she admitted: “I am not yet familiar with this role … It has been going on for less than 100 days and it is simply a remarkable adventure and unbelievable”.

On her first official trip, Ivanka Trump, who had invested heavily in her father’s campaign, remained in a position of listening and defending, leaving behind many questions.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!