British Minister Does Not Expect EU to Tear Up Trade Deal

British Parliament will Vote on Brexit Agreement on 15 January. The British House of Commons speaks about the Brexit agreement between European and British negotiators next Tuesday. That was what the British public broadcaster BBC learned from government circles.


The vote should have taken place in December, but British Prime Minister Theresa May pulled the tail at the very last moment because the text would not get a majority. Yesterday she already emphasised that the vote will continue as planned.

Whether the Brexit agreement will be able to convince a majority of the 650 parliamentarians next week is still the question. Regarding content, since December nothing has changed in the text, also because the European Union is not prepared to make additional concessions.

The British government would work on further “reassurances” for the Irish border issue. This mainly concerns the so-called ‘backstop’.

This safety net determines that the United Kingdom and the EU will form a customs union if, after the end of the transition period after the Brexit at the end of 2020, there is no new trade agreement to avoid a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Many MPs do not want to know about this, because they fear that the backstop arrangement might become permanent.

By Kim McDonalds

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