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Amazon is Hiring New Employees Because of the High Demand. Web store giant Amazon offers permanent employment to most of its 175,000 new employees in the United States.


Amazon wants to ensure that it has enough workforce to cope with the high demand for online shopping because of the coronavirus.

In total, 840,400 people work at Amazon, with permanent and temporary contracts.

Some 125,000 employees who were hired for Amazon warehouses, especially for the crowds during the pandemic will be told they can stay in June.

The remaining new personnel are left with seasonal contracts that run for a maximum of eleven months.

According to experts, Amazon is taking this step because the extra turnover that the company generated during the peak of the virus outbreak does not merely disappear when governments relax measures against the virus.

Amazon began recruiting on a large scale in March. Then the company focused on people who lost their jobs in the hospitality industry. Amazon promised them a temporary job, which should serve as a bridging period until their employer’s company would reopen.

A permanent contract with Amazon in the US comes with additional benefits such as health insurance paid by the employer.

The latter is an essential point for warehouse staff, who have been concerned in recent months with the high risk of infection with the coronavirus. So far, 800 American Amazon workers have contracted the lung virus.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!