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Apple is willing to pay a settlement up to $500 million in a case involving batteries of older iPhones. Besides, the technology group would have intentionally reduced the performance of the batteries of earlier models iPhones through software updates.


These are charges brought by owners of older iPhones, who were bundled in so-called class-action suits. The case has been in court since April 2018 in San Francisco, California.

Apple and the complainants in the case have now shown willingness to settle. As a result, those iPhone owners can receive compensation from the company.

At the end of 2017, it emerged that Apple deliberately delayed the older iPhone models, at that time the iPhone 6 and older, via software updates.

It did it officially to extend the life of the devices, but according to critics, Apple wanted to encourage customers to opt for a new model faster.

The news caused a storm of protest and meant, among other things, that Apple was forced to replace batteries for free or cheaper.

So there was also a lawsuit, which now seems almost complete.

By Mattoo Rani

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