Walmart Sues Tesla after Solar Panels Catch Fire


Walmart starts a lawsuit against Tesla for its solar panels. The American supermarket giant talks about installation negligence after seven supermarket roofs caught fire in recent years.


Walmart supermarket chain sues Tesla for negligence. In his complaint, Walmart says that the negligent installation and maintenance of the solar panels were responsible for seven fires on supermarket roofs since 2012.

In addition to cars, Tesla also releases solar panels, whether or not built into roof tiles. The latter is installed by the company SolarCity, which Tesla took over in 2016.

The same SolarCity is also responsible for solar panels on the roofs of 240 Walmart supermarkets.

However, according to the supermarket chain, the solar panels are particularly susceptible to fire. Since 2012, a total of seven roofs would have caught fire due to the solar panels.

Walmart says in his indictment that the inspections that Tesla carries out itself found 157 problems with installations that needed to be repaired, 48 of which could lead to safety problems.

More problems would arise during Walmart inspections. The supermarket chain is talking about systematic negligence.

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