Trump Says-The Real Scandal is that FBI Leaked Information to Fake Media


Donald Trump calls it a shame that the FBI “fake evidence” would have leaked to various media about his ties with the Russian campaign informing services. “Those fake media go too far with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred.”

The US president responds here to the reports that the members of Trump’s campaign would have been in pre-election frequent contact with Russian intelligence. It would not only go to people from the campaign, but also to employees of the companies of Trump.

On that reported CNN and the New York Times today. They rely on sources’ in the intelligence, the FBI and the government Trump. It would not only have been contacted with the Russian intelligence services, but also with the government of President Putin.

That is not an offense in itself, but it is the question of what was discussed there. “Because if it can be shown that it was about winning the elections surreptitiously, then it is very serious,” said our correspondent Erik Mouthaan America. “The next question is of course: what did Trump?”

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