Trump Interferes in the Conflict Between Greece and Turkey


US President Donald Trump is involved in the conflict between Greece and Turkey over the eastern Mediterranean.


He has had telephone contact with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and discussed the crisis, the office of the Greek Prime Minister said.

According to Greek media, Trump also had an interview with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

NATO countries Greece and Turkey are arguing over waters around Crete and Cyprus to which they both claim. Oil and gas deposits under the seabed are suspected in the area.

Turkey has already sent several research vessels, also accompanied by naval vessels, to the area. Greece started a military exercise near Cyprus on Wednesday with several other countries.

Mitsotakis has informed Trump that he believes Turkey’s actions endanger stability in the region and the cohesion of NATO. It is not known what Trump was told from Erdogan.

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