Large Cargo Ship Runs Aground in Suez Canal

A large freighter has become stuck in the northern part of the Suez Canal. Tugs are trying to refloat the ship, but it is still unclear how long that could take and what the impact will be on shipping traffic on this important shipping route between Europe and Asia.


According to media reports, it concerns the bulk carrier Glory, which is on its way with Ukrainian grain to China. The ship ran aground while joining a southbound convoy near the Egyptian city of El-Qantarah. The Glory sails under the flag of the Marshall Islands.

In March 2021, the stalled Ever Given caused a blockage of the Suez Canal for days. The blockage caused by that container ship confused global shipping for a while.

Finally, the specialized Dutch company Smit Salvage, part of dredging and maritime service provider Boskalis, was called in to free the ship.

By Mattoo Rani

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