Isis Claims Responsibility for London Terror Attack


The attack yesterday in central London is claimed by ISIS terrorist movement.

This announced was made by the IS affiliated website Amaq. “The perpetrator of the attack on Parliament was a soldier of the Islamic State. He carried out the operation in response to a call to take the citizens of the coalition ” is a declaration statement. With” coalition “parties referred cooperating in the fight against the terror group.

The attack on the British Parliament building was four people, including the perpetrator. The British authorities suspect that the perpetrator acted independently.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said in the House of Commons that the culprit was born in Britain. The identity of the perpetrator is not disclosed yet. That happens only when the investigation is completed.

The perpetrator of the attack drove a car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge. The culprit was the car, a Hyundai, have rented the place Solihull, near Birmingham.

After the attack, the police raids in several places, including in Birmingham. Eight people were arrested so far.

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