The EU Member States Behind Trade Agreement With the United Kingdom

The European Commission is opening a so-called infringement procedure against the United Kingdom because of the controversial Brexit law that the country has passed.


According to President Ursula von der Leyen, this internal market law violates agreements in the withdrawal treaty concluded with the European Union, she said in a statement.

The EU previously demanded that London repeal the controversial legislation before October 1, and that has not happened, said von der Leyen.

“The European Commission has today formally warned the United Kingdom in a letter about the violation of its obligations under the Withdrawal Treaty,” said von der Leyen. “This is the start of formal infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom. It has a month to reply to this letter.”

An infringement procedure always starts with a letter in which the daily EU administration asks for clarification. If the answer is unsatisfactory, the pressure will be increased with a new reminder, and if nothing is done about this, the committee can decide to go to the European Court of Justice.

“Both parties are bound by an obligation to cooperate in good faith in the implementation of the Withdrawal Treaty,” said von der Leyen.

Parts of the British bill called the Internal Market Bill, undercut the agreements on Northern Ireland, according to Brussels.

To prevent another hard border between the Republic of Ireland and British Northern Ireland once the EU and the United Kingdom are finally separated next year, it has been agreed that the EU rules will continue to apply to Northern Ireland. The committee believes that the clauses of British internal market legislation are undermining agreements on this.

By Mattoo Rani

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