China Wants to Limit Misunderstandings With US, Says Foreign Minister


China wants to avoid misunderstandings and misjudgments with Washington. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said this before a meeting with his American counterpart Antony Blinken.


According to the Chinese minister, relations between China and the US must return to a healthy, stable, sustainable course. What is right and wrong is not based on who has the “stronger arm or louder voice,” Wang Yi told reporters ahead of the meeting with Blinken in Washington. He pointed out that the provisions of the “three Sino-US joint communiqués should be acted upon, following international law and the basic norms of international relations.”

Blinken said he agreed with the Chinese minister. In his own words, he looks forward to “the constructive discussions over the next two days”. The Chinese minister’s visit lasts until Saturday.

Relations between the United States and China have been strained by several issues, including Chinese support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, Beijing’s threats against Taiwan and trade disputes. Both countries are trying to improve their relationship through more regular visits by government representatives.

Observers say a meeting could follow between the presidents of both countries, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, during the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit, which will take place in San Francisco from November 11 to 17. However, the White House remains cautious, and it is not clear whether Xi Jinping will attend.

This would be the first meeting between Biden and Xi since November last year. Then, the two met on the sidelines of the G20 summit on the Indonesian island of Bali.

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