Charles Michel Lashes Out: Russia Uses Sexual Violence and Food Supplies as Weapons


Charles Michel lashed out at Russia during a session of the UN Security Council. According to the European president, the country uses sexual violence and the global food supply as weapons.


“These crimes must be exposed and prosecuted without impunity,” it said.

UN Special Envoy on Sexual Violence Pramila Patten reported to the Security Council that sexual violence in Ukraine is common but under-reported. The Russian invasion is also becoming a “human trafficking crisis”, with refugee women and children at risk of being exploited and sometimes raped.

“We are hearing reports of Russian troops using sexual violence as a weapon of war,” agreed Charles Michel, President of the European Council. “Sexual assault is a war crime. A crime against humanity. A tactic of torture, terror and oppression. Shameful actions in a shameful war. These crimes must be exposed and prosecuted without impunity.”

Michel also accuses Russia of using the food supply as a “subtle missile against developing countries”. He addressed the Russian ambassador directly during the UN Security Council, who then left the meeting. Michel said that Russia is blocking the export of grain from Ukraine and that its attacks have prevented Ukraine from planting and harvesting.

“This is driving up food prices, pushing people into poverty and destabilizing entire regions. Russia is solely responsible for this food crisis, despite its campaign of lies.” Russia also steals grain in occupied territories, according to Michel, while blaming others. “This is cowardly. This is propaganda.”

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