Canadian Vodka Company Puzzled by Theft of 30,000 Litres of Iceberg Water

Canadian Vodka Company Puzzled by Theft of 30,000 Litres of Iceberg Water. A Canadian vodka company recently made a nasty discovery when it turned out that as much as 30,000 litres of coveted iceberg water had disappeared.

This water is used by the company to make authentic ‘Iceberg Vodka’. The disappeared quantity would correspond to about 150,000 bottles of liquor.

The precious iceberg is from the icebergs on the Newfoundland coast. When large ice blocks break off, they are stored by the company in large tanks that are rigorously secured. How the water is gone is, therefore, a mystery.

In Canadian media, it was suggested that the water might have evaporated or otherwise leaked from the storage tanks. The CEO is resolute, however, that these possibilities are excluded.

The police also assume a crime, since the water of the 20,000-year-old icebergs is extremely popular. In addition to vodka, luxury cosmetic products are also made from it. According to the CEO, “those who did it knew well what they were doing”.

The company is insured for the stored water, but that will be a small consolation. The water can only be stored once a year, at the moment the ice blocks drift.

By Kim McDonalds

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