At Least 20 Dead in Explosion at Ariane Grande Concert Manchester


In Manchester shortly after a concert of pop star Ariane Grande died and injured, reports the Manchester police. Whether it is an attack is not yet clear, as seen on Fox News Point.


Soon after the concert, the Manchester Arena had a huge explosion, reporting eyewitnesses. Panic arose in the hall. Awards

An eyewitness says to the BBC that he was thrown at a distance of 10 meters by the explosion. He would have seen twenty to thirty victims. At the Manchester Arena, wood experts are working to see if it’s going to be a hit. The police have scaled the case into “a possible terrorist attack.”

At the concert there were many young visitors, even children, who – or not in the company of their parents – had come to Grandes The Dangerous Woman Tour.

On Twitter, images of hundreds of fans are fleeing. What caused the explosion is not yet clear. The manager of Ariane Grande reports that the singer is in safety.

The video below was created by a visitor to the concert. To see is how the hall drains quickly. One of the eyewitnesses said that Grande’s concert had just ended and that the lights had just gone when suddenly a huge blast was heard. She speaks of a huge chaos that arose after the explosion.

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