WhatsApp Launches Channels to Reach Large Groups

Messaging service WhatsApp comes with a new function called Channels, which allows you to reach large groups of users simultaneously.


The application focuses mainly on organizations and companies with a large audience and only works in one direction: it will not be possible to answer the message.

With the new feature, texts and photos can be sent, but also videos, stickers or polls. Users can find the Channels that interest them in a separate WhatsApp tab, separate from their private contacts and groups.

The contact numbers within the new communication channel will remain invisible, and the messages will disappear after thirty days. The application will first be rolled out in Singapore and Colombia, parent company Meta said. International organizations such as the World Health Organization or sports teams such as FC Barcelona and Manchester City are also testing the application.

The intention is to roll out Channels in more countries gradually. Meta does not exclude the possibility that additional options, such as company payment services, will be added later.

By Kim McDonalds

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