UK has Stripped 150 Jihadists and criminals of Citizenship

UK has Stripped 150 Jihadists and criminals of Citizenship. The United Kingdom has taken 150 jihadists and criminals to British citizenship. For example, they must be prevented from returning from Syria as a terrorist group.


The British have taken this decision according to The Sunday Times after warning from intelligence services. According to them, more than 300 terrorists could return. Even of jihad brothers, nationality has decreased, reports the newspaper.

It is only about jihadists and criminals who also have a different nationality. According to international law, it is forbidden to make people stateless.

IS is losing more power in Iraq and Syria. Recently, Iraqi troops have regained Mosul, the battle for Syrian Raqqa is still ongoing.

According to the most recent figures of the AIVD, 280 Dutch jihadists have been issued to Syria and Iraq.

It is also possible to cope with Dutch citizenship of people who fought abroad with a terrorist organization. The First Chamber voted in early this year with a proposal from the Cabinet on this issue.

The National Coordinator for Terrorism and Security announced this year at NPO Radio 1 that around 300 Dutch passports are taken from jihad fighters or people with travel plans to join the jihad.

The Minister of Security and Justice has the authority to take a passport without a criminal conviction. Even in the Europe, it is only possible to take up the nationality of someone if he or she has another nationality.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!