Storm Bella Also Hits the United Kingdom


Storm Bella, which is currently moving along the Dutch northwestern coastal provinces, has also wreaked havoc in the United Kingdom.

The Meteorological Institute has issued warnings for parts of Wales, North West England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, the BBC reports.

Wind gales of more than 100 kilometres per hour were measured at various locations. On the Isle of Wight in the English Channel, the wind even reached 170 kilometres per hour.

Throughout southern England, train traffic is experiencing delays. The railway line between Bournemouth and Southampton was flooded. Other railways are blocked by, among other things, fallen trees. People who want to cross the Channel between Dover and Calais should also expect delays.

Heavy rainfall has already caused flooding in Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire, England, during the Christmas season. Residents of 1,300 houses on the River Great Ouse in Bedfordshire were advised to leave their homes on Christmas Day after the high water level. About 40 families have suffered water damage, the mayor of Bedford told the BBC. The water level is still high in the area, he said.

Elsewhere in England, Wales and Scotland too, flood warnings have been issued, and houses have been flooded.

The meteorological institute also reports that roads and railways, especially in the west of Scotland, will probably have to deal with snowfall and ice formation until mid-Sunday afternoon. Later Sunday this could also happen in Northern Ireland, North Wales, North West England and South West Scotland.

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