BlackCat Claims Ransomware Attack on Italian Energy Player

It has already been warned: computer experts have discovered a second global computer cyber attack. That is what the US broadcaster ABC News reports. There would be hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide, especially in the US.

The Proofpoint company encountered the new attack on last Friday research with Ransomware WannaCry. That virus-host the computer, and that can be undone by paying a repayment sum in bitcoins.

Proofpoint names the used malware Adylkuzz. The new attack, which is less noticeable, is different from the previous one. The owners do not realize that their computer has been hijacked. The device is at least slightly slower.

According to experts, the computers can then generate (crypto) money, such as bitcoins, which comes into the hands of unknown distributors. The first attack with the virus was on May 2, which would be older than WannaCry.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!