Russia Imposes Travel Ban on Hundreds of British Parliamentarians


Russia imposes a travel ban on 287 members of the British House of Commons. The British are accused of spreading “unwarranted and hysterical fear of Russia,” Russia’s foreign ministry said.


Moscow is thus responding to similar sanctions that the United Kingdom announced in March against 386 members of the Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament.

These are the parliamentarians who voted to recognize the self-proclaimed pro-Russian republics Luhansk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. Unfortunately, shortly after Russia recognized them as independent, Russian troops invaded Ukraine.

The British House of Commons has a total of 650 members. Those banned from entering Russia are members of the ruling Conservative party and the opposition Labor party.

The British have punished hundreds of Russians during the war that lasted more than two months, including the daughters of Russian President Vladimir Putin. London has also sent weapons to Ukraine several times. These include anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.

This month, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky in Ukrainian President.

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