Mischa Barton Sex Tape-Lawyer Threatens Revenge Porn


The lawyer Mischa Barton confirms that there is a sex tape of the British actress is in circulation. She’s probably been the victim of revenge porn, Lisa Bloom said in a statement.

“Ms. Barton has not consented to the disclosure of the images. She says that she is filmed without her consent by someone with whom she had a relationship at the time,” said the lawyer. “There is only one name for this disgusting behavior revenge porn.”

Bloom says she: anyone’s photos and videos have actively sharing or divided into court. “We will find you,” said the counselor.

The Daily Mail reported Tuesday the first that there is a sex tape of the 31-year-old Barton would be in circulation.

According to British tabloid would be the video where the actress would have offered sex in different positions, for half a million dollars to various porn sites.

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