Microsoft is Integrating ChatGPT into Azure OpenAI Service as a Preview


Writing robot ChatGPT is now also available in Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service preview. The service gives customers access to AI models such as Dall-E 2, GPT-3.5 and Codex that use Azure.


The availability of ChatGPT in Azure OpenAI Service allows developers to integrate custom AI applications directly into their applications.

In addition, it is now possible to integrate ChatGPT into existing bots, for example, to answer unexpected questions or summarise customer service department conversations.

Azure OpenAI also combines cognitive services, enabling several new business applications.

For example, Microsoft mentions the combination of Azure OpenAI and Azure Cognitive Search, which can be used to retrieve data from a knowledge base via conversational language. In addition, ChatGPT is immediately accessible via Azure OpenAI Service.

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