British Ruling Party Suffers Losses in Regional Elections

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson believes that online store Amazon should pay more tax in the United Kingdom.


It must be fairer, and Johnson will also say that to Jeff Bezos later on Monday, he told reporters before boarding the plane to the United States. Bezos is the former chief executive and current chairman of Amazon.

All G20 members backed a plan to introduce a global minimum tax rate to prevent companies from funnelling profits in JULY. This should culminate in a large-scale reform of the international corporate tax system. It means, for example, that the most prominent companies have to pay taxes in the country where they do business.

If such a minimum is really set, European countries will have more rights to tax American tech companies such as Facebook and Amazon. It has been proposed that the minimum rate for large companies should be at least 15 percent. The current average for this form of tax is about 6 to 7 percent.

Johnson also said he would urge Bezos to improve working conditions for workers in the UK.

By Mattoo Rani

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