Iranian President Warns Against Decisive Action


Iran’s ultra-conservative President Ebrahim Raisi says “decisive” action will be taken against the wave of unrest that gripped the country for days.


He wants tough action on protests, which he describes as riots by opponents of security and peace in the country.

The protests and brutal crackdown by the security services have claimed the lives of at least 41 people, according to official figures. However, human rights groups say the real death toll is much higher. The police are firing live ammunition at protesters.

Hundreds of people have been arrested since the demonstrations began on September 16, when Mahsa Amini died. This 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman died after being arrested by the religious police. She would not have covered herself properly and would thus have violated the dress code in the strict Islamic country.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday that it had summoned ambassadors from the United Kingdom and Norway. The British ambassador was told that Iran is protesting the “invitation to riot” Farsi-language broadcasters are sending from London.

Oslo’s representative was asked to explain what Tehran calls “interference in and non-constructive commentary on internal affairs” following statements by the Norwegian parliament speaker.

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