China Comes Up With Countermeasures After US Sanctions

China and US Talk about Trade War: Peace is Far from Clear! Delegations from the US and China negotiate a solution to the trade war today and tomorrow.


Despite the efforts, it is particularly unlikely that the parties will come out. The ball lies with the Americans, and they will not soon leave the road that was taken by President Donald Trump.

China and the US have been battling each other over the past few months with import duties, and both countries now find it time to talk to each other again. The conversations come at a sensitive time. Tomorrow the latest sanctions of the US will take effect, and China will immediately repay the same currency.

From then on the counter stands at 50 billion dollars (43 billion euros) of imports that are heavily taxed at the border. This probably does not stop. Trump has already threatened a lot more charges: up to 200 billion dollars, or even all products that the Americans import from China.

Trump wants roughly two things from China: first of all, he wants to reduce the trade deficit of the US against China significantly. The Americans imported more than $ 375 billion more last year than they exported to China. Trump sees that as a loss for the US.

Besides, the trade war is also increasingly about intellectual property infringement by Chinese companies. The strict demands that China makes on American companies that want to do business there are also in the wrong.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!