BioNTech is Working on an Adapted Vaccine: No Time to Lose

The British are urged to get vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine and not to be put off by reports that it may cause blood clots.


Health authorities point out that only thirty suspected blood clots have been identified after 18 million corona vaccinations.

Seven people died of blood clots shortly after vaccination in Great Britain. There is no evidence of a link between the British-Swedish vaccine and the blood clots. Professor Calum Semple of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts told British media that the University of Oxford had stopped a trial of administering the vaccine to children only out of extreme caution.

“The chance of a middle-aged, overweight man dying is 1 in 13,000, and the chance that someone will succumb to such rare blood clots, which may have nothing to do with the vaccine at all, is 1 in a million,” said the professor. “It is better to get the vaccine than not to get it, and we can pause the administration to children because they are not at risk of dying from Covid-19 anyway.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stressed that it is “essential” that everyone gets vaccinated. His government could then effortlessly achieve its target of 15 April to vaccinate all people over the age of 50 at least once against Covid-19.

In the United Kingdom, the number of corona peppers administered is already well over 30 million. All adults must be vaccinated by the end of July. Wales started administering the Moderna vaccine on Wednesday, which will also be introduced in England later this month.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!