Art Dealer Dies in a Fire in Trump Tower New York

Art Dealer Dies in a Fire in Trump Tower New York. In a fire in the Trump Tower in New York, a man died, and his six firefighters were slightly injured.


The fire raged in an apartment on the 49th floor of the building. On images, you can see how black smoke and flames came high up from the tower on 5th Avenue. At least 200 firefighters were deployed. The environment was deposited.

The victim is an art dealer
The fire was difficult to extinguish, not only because of the height but also because of the size of the apartment, which was almost completely on fire. Nevertheless, the fire was quickly extinguished.

The victim is the 67-year-old art dealer Todd Brassner. According to the New York Daily News, he would have been a friend of Andy Warhol.

The American President Donald Trump has an office and a home in the Trump Tower. He and his family are currently in Washington. Trump reported on Twitter that the fire is out. He thanked the firefighters in the tweet and reported that the skyscraper is ‘well built.’

It is still unclear what the cause of the fire is. At the beginning of this year, there was already a fire on the roof of the famous tower. An electrical installation caused that. In addition, at least two people were injured.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!