3 People Killed by Knife Attack Near Notre-Dame in Nice

A 22-year-old unarmed man was shot dead in the U.S. state of California while kneeling on the floor.


The incident happened in the city of Vallejo, while police demonstrations and racism are currently being demonstrated across the U.S.

According to American media, the victim was a Latin American man on Thursday who tried to flee from a robbery on the establishment of a drugstore chain.

The police officer who shot confused the hammer the victim had in his pocket with a firearm, authorities said.

In-flight from the robbery, Sean Moterrosa ran towards a car that had recently rammed a police car. He suddenly stopped and got down on his knees with his hands above his waist.

A police officer thought he saw the butt of a firearm, saw it as a danger and shot five times from his patrol car. Monterrosa was hit once and died on the spot.

Justice and police have started a criminal investigation for the use of deadly violence.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!