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Taxi company Uber is looking to purchase Free Now, the car-sharing service of the German car manufacturers Daimler and BMW.


That is what insiders say to the Bloomberg news agency. With the purchase, the company would significantly increase its market share in Europe and Latin America.

Daimler and BMW joined forces last year in the area of so-called mobility services under the name Your Now, which in addition to car sharing also includes services such as charging e-cars and parking.

They wanted to invest a lot of money in this, but efforts to attract additional investors were complicated because of the corona pandemic.

The sources also emphasize that a deal around Free Now has undoubtedly not yet been finalized, because of the challenging market conditions that make it difficult to agree on a reasonable price.

Other bidders could also come. Spokespersons for Uber, BMW and Daimler did not want to respond.

By Mattoo Rani

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