Samsung Makes iPhone Models Ridiculous in Advertising

Samsung Makes iPhone Models Ridiculous in Advertising. In a new advertising video, Samsung shows what new gadgets are already in the Galaxy S phones for a long time. Both Apple and Samsung are known to check their competitors more often.

The video titled “Get Adult with Upgrade to the Galaxy” is an advertisement for the Galaxy Note 8, Samsung’s major phone that was still sold out last year because the device could suddenly burn.


In the video, Samsung makes several iPhones ridiculous: the iPhone 3GS had too little storage space, the iPhone 5S no stylus and the iPhone 7 cannot stand up to water. The latter is not true: the iPhone 7 is great for water, but the Galaxy Note 8 can be kept under water for longer.

Then, the iPhone 7 is also blamed for no headphones input and wireless charging: two options that have been in Galaxy Note phones for a long time. Also, there is a reference to the black bar at the top of the screen of the new iPhone X, the so-called notch, which is often made fun of jokes.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!