Russia FBI Director James Comey fired by Donald Trump

According to a government spokesman, Russia was not involved in the resignation of FBI boss James Comey. “It was an independent decision of the US president,” he said.

“It has nothing and should not have anything to do with Russia. It’s an American issue,” continues the spokesman.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov responded in Washington with a blow to the situation. “He’s fired? You take me in the paint,” he said.

Comey was put to death by President Donald Trump on Tuesday. To the surprise of many. A possible reason for his resignation, according to the Democrats, is his role in investigating possible Russian interference in the presidential elections last year.

The FBI investigates, among other things, whether Trump staff have co-merged with Moscow to influence the outcome of the poll.

According to Trump itself, “almost everyone in Washington had lost faith in Comey.” “They will eventually thank me,” he tweeted. According to Trump, Comey Democrats also wanted to. Trump: “And now they pretend to be sad.”

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!