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Last week’s major Twitter hack stole the information and full history of private messages from eight users. That says Twitter in an update.


Last week, the accounts of 130 prominent people were hacked on Twitter. For several hours, the accounts posted spam messages attempting to entice followers to buy bitcoins.

It’s the most significant social network vulnerability in years, and Twitter (alongside the US Federal Police and others) is investigating.

In a first blog post about this, the company reports that it is likely that the private messages of eight users were downloaded. That happened in the middle of the bitcoin spam campaign.

Twitter says the hackers were given access to 130 accounts, of which they may have seen personal material such as phone numbers and email addresses.

A password reset was initiated for 45 prominent accounts, after which the hackers could tweet with that account.

This mainly concerns ‘verified’ accounts, accounts of prominent figures that you can recognize by the blue checkmark. The accounts of Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Barack Obama, among others, were taken over in this way.

By Kim McDonalds

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