History about Cupcakes and How you Practice to Make Them


The name says it all, cupcakes in the shape of a cup. As they are incurred, the first cupcakes, in the early 1800’s, were baked in a cup.

It was in England at that time very common that the ladies of fortunate origin, in addition to their cup of tea, ate a tasty snack. Cupcakes should not be confused with muffins. These muffins can also be savory, made of a relatively coarse herd and are always eaten ‘bald’.

Cupcakes are always sweet, sophisticated and on top with a decoration. This decoration can consist of many things. Traditional ‘toppings’ cupcakes can include icing or marzipan. Also, butter cream and fruits do well on a cupcake. The butter can of course, also fruits or perhaps even thrown a liqueur. The possibilities are truly unprecedented, and the limit is up where your own creativity.

Cupcakes in recent years are named as a real craze. For example it is very fashionable to treat the wedding guests on a tower or buffet of cupcakes instead of a wedding cake.

In addition, there are onions in the cupcake plays a central role. You can do Cupcake workshops in cooking at a bakery or school. And children’s parties are often more fun when you can decorate your own cupcake.

The possibilities of this actually quite simple pastry are unprecedented. There is every average English city to find a store that is fully focused on the sale of supplies for cupcakes. These stores rays piece by piece quaintness and coziness.

There is also little more fun or more homely than with your mother or father to make your own baking. Of course today we use a cup to bake in muffin, but there is a range of aluminum and paper trays available.

The piping bag for the topping and the blades to bring the colored marzipan cut, not to imagine the contemporary kitchen. A google search with the words cupcake, delivers within a second more than 80 million results. What unprecedented popularity! That had the refined English ladies cannot imagine 200 years ago.

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