Flight Pilot Prince Philip (97) Voluntarily Delivers his Driving License

The British Prince Philip (97), the husband of Queen Elizabeth, voluntarily delivers his driving license after careful consideration. That reports the BBC. Philip caused an accident in January in Sandringham, near the royal family’s mansion.

The prince then landed with his Land Rover Freelander on his side after he collided with a Kia. Philip did not see the car through the low sun.

Two women were slightly injured, and a nine-month-old baby remained unharmed. The prince apologised in one letter to one of the victims, Emma Fairweather.

“I am very sorry for my part in the accident”, wrote the Duke of Edinburgh. I was very shocked after the accident, but I am glad that no one has been seriously injured. Afterwards, I heard that you had a broken arm, I’m sorry about that. “

In conversation with the Sunday Mirror about the letter, which arrived on the mat on January 23, Fairweather said he was happy with the (somewhat late) excuse of the prince.

I liked that he just ended with ‘Philip’, somewhat of his formal title. I was pleasingly surprised by that personal touch. “

Two days after the accident, Philip was still photographed while he carried without a seat belt. The police then went into the conversation with the prince.

By Mattoo Rani

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