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Donald Trump Plans to Visit Great Britain this Summer. It did not go through at the end of last year, but it seems to be coming. This summer, US President Donald Trump is visiting Great Britain.


The visit has not yet been officially announced but is already reported by several English and American newspapers after tips from government sources of both countries. A spokesperson for British Prime Minister Theresa May says that both governments are still negotiating on some details.

Earlier plans for a visit from Trump to Britain were not in good shape. A majority of the British would prefer Trump to stay at home. Thousands of people have announced that they are going to demonstrate against the president and his state visit.

Trump promised a working visit to London late last year, presumably because of threatening mass protests. May was the first European leader to visit Trump after joining in January last year. An official state visit had been hanging over the market for some time, but it still did not happen.

The British and Americans want to perpetuate the special bond between the two countries with the visit of Trump, especially in the light of the approaching departure of the British from the European Union. In January it was already announced that there would be a visit this year. Probably it will be mid-July.

Whether the planned tour of Trump will be a working visit or an official state visit, including a meeting with Queen Elizabeth, is not yet known.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!