British Opposition Worried About the Failure to A Breakthrough in Brussels

Brexit War at Sea: British Fishermen are Preparing for More Sea Battles. The British are unable to defend their territorial waters after the Brexit.


That is what the former head of the Royal British Navy, Alan West, wrote in an open letter on Saturday. The occasion was a sea battle last Tuesday between British and French fishermen.

Although the British fishing industry is relatively small, fishing rights played a significant role during the Brexit referendum.

British fishermen voted en masse for the Brexit, hoping that from then on they could fish without restrictions in the sea around the island.

A highlight of the campaign was a water fight on the Thames between the fishing boat where Nigel Farage sat and a fishing boat with euro-minded activists led by the singer Bob Geldof.

In the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, the Guardian sailed into the Seine bay off the Normandy coast, where people on board of 35 French fishing boats bombarded their British colleagues with stones and flares.

By Mattoo Rani

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