The US government has relaxed the ban on Huawei. Companies may once again collaborate with Huawei on telecom standards, including 5G.
The easing, according to the United States Department of Commerce, should ensure that US companies stay at the top of innovation and that they have something to say in setting these standards.
In practice, it boils down to the fact that companies no longer need a license to, for example, be part of a standardization organization that also includes Huawei.
Last year, Huawei was put on the ‘Entity List’, a list of companies that American companies are not allowed to work with. The company is said to be used by the Chinese government to spy.
Among other things, that ban led to the termination of Android’s cooperation with Huawei, but it also makes it difficult for American telecom companies to engage in standardization.
Huawei is one of the major players here and is helping to shape the 5G standard, for example.