Solitaire the game

The card game Solitaire is sometimes wrongly called Solitaire. The mistake is understandable. Also Solitaire is a game that can be played by one player, the same goes for Patience. You might say that Patience is a game that belongs to the category of Solitaire games ..

The definition of a game in the category Solitaire: a game played by one person, and the purpose of which, according to certain rules to solve a problem.

Today you play computer games almost exclusively alone; Candy Crush, Farm Story and Candy-mania are not indispensable. But if it affects older games, the solo game is a fairly unique aspect.

Previously they actually played games always in company. The most well-known card games are already centuries ago, just to have in the company to do something. The well-known board games of yesterday are not called for nothing games.

Somewhere there’s a need has arisen to be able to submit a ticket if you are alone. Patience is and remains fairly unique in this. Of course there are variations on Solitaire arising, such as Spider, but the basics remain the same. By matching cards with other cards, you play the game field.

Did you know that there is a story that Napoleon Patience would have invented?

It is said that during his exile on St. Helena, an island off the coast of South Africa, out of sheer boredom this solo card game invented.

Sounds pretty reasonable, especially considering the fact that Patience is a French word. It means tolerance and that he should have during his long captivity.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!