German Hostage by Terrorists beheaded in Philippines


Islamic terrorist group Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines has released a video in which you can see the beheading of a German hostage.

German security services assume that he(the hostage) is really dead.

570,000 euro ransom!

The 70-year-old Jürgen Kantner was abducted from his yacht in November. A woman who was in his company, had already been killed. Abu Sayyaf demanded 570,000 euro ransom for the German.

The terrorist movement imposed a deadline: if the amount was not inside before yesterday 09:00, the man would be killed. The money was not there, and then the terrorists brought their threat into practice.

Abu Sayyaf has several prisoners, according to the Philippine army. One of them is the Dutchman Ewold Horn. He has been detained since early 2012.

The Abu Sayyaf rebels are active in Muslim areas of the largely Christian Philippines and developed a reputation as a ruthless kidnappers. Abu Sayyaf has been pursuing for decades fighting the Philippine government.

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