Volunteer Work in Africa

If you want to work abroad especially in Africa, you might get loads of opportunities. There are so many types of work opportunities in Africa few of them are listed below. You might gain lots of experience from the people who have already worked there.

They have so many stories to tell you, some of which are as follows.


Some companies/organizations might cover your expenses some might not. The companies who will cover the cost of your food, accommodation and flight are profitable organizations. The ones which will not provide you with such facilities are non-profitable organizations.


It means something new to all organizations you check. The involvement of people in community services is the true meaning of volunteerism. It can be for so many different causes.


If you want to take some time out for yourself or need a break from your work ad life routines this is the best thing for you. Book your flight and go to Africa for volunteer work. There are so many people out there who might need your help.


If you are thinking about why waste your time if they aren’t paying you, then keep in mind that the following people get paid for their services.
•    medical degree holders/doctors
•    Nurses
•    Engineers
•    Environmentalist
•    Technicians
•    Emergency relief staff
•    teachers

They are so much in demand in such countries. If you do not have the above skills then it’s most likely you have to pay for your own expenses. The organization will not cover it for you.


Usually, all the organizations prefer to work with local people because you will never know that how long the project they have started will continue. A person from abroad might want to leave after few months or years while the project would still be ongoing.

So if they reject your intention to work for them does not take it to your heart. It’s only because they might think you are/ a person from abroad doesn’t suit the job.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!