YouTube Star Jailed for Shooting Boyfriend Dead While Filming A Stunt


YouTube Star Jailed for Shooting Boyfriend Dead While Filming A Stunt. An American woman who accidentally shot her friend last year was sentenced to 180 days in prison. Half of them must be spent in prison, the other half with house arrest at home.


The now 20-year-old Monalisa Perez shot with a pistol at her friend, who kept an encyclopedia for himself. The thick book was supposed to catch the bullet and protect it, but the bullet went right through the book and hit it.

Pedro Ruiz died, before the eyes of about thirty spectators, including their three-year-old child. The couple hoped that the movie of the stunt would go viral on YouTube. Perez, who was pregnant with their second baby at the time, shared a tweet in advance in which she warned of ‘perhaps the most dangerous video ever.’

Perez has been found guilty of manslaughter. She was given a prison sentence and may never again possess a firearm.

“The reality is that this foolish stunt was conceived, planned and executed by him, and she trusted, incorrectly and tragically, his promise that the stunt was safe,” said Justice in the State of Minnesota against local media.

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