Boris Johnson Admits He Misinformed British Parliament About Partygate


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admits he misinformed parliament about the so-called ‘Partygate’ affair. However, he strongly denies the allegation that he did so on purpose.


The committee responsible cannot produce evidence that he deliberately lied to the House of Commons. Johnson says so in a written defence that was released on Tuesday.

BoJo will appear before a parliamentary committee of inquiry on Wednesday. He has to testify about the corona parties at his official residence at 10 Downing Street during the lockdown, during which several corona measures were flouted. As prime minister in December 2021, the issue is whether Johnson deliberately misled parliamentarians about the illegal parties. He had to resign in the summer of last year after several scandals under pressure from his party.

If the investigation reveals that he has lied to the Commons, it could cost him his seat as a member of parliament. Johnson says he “accepts” that some of his statements have misled the House of Commons. He apologizes for that. But at no point did he want to hide anything, it says in the written defence. “I have always said what I believed to be the truth at the time.” The former prime minister says he could not have known what the later investigation into the lockdown parties would reveal.

An interim report from the Commission of Inquiry already put Johnson in a tight spot. Evidence shows that it was said at the time that it should have been “clear” to the conservative politician that corona rules were being violated at the illegal lockdown parties in his official residence.

The intention is that Johnson will give an oral explanation on Wednesday.

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