Agreement Reached on Nature Conservation at Biodiversity Summit


The participants of COP 15 in Montréal, which focuses on biodiversity, agree on the final statement of the United Nations Biodiversity Summit. The agreement must contain the destruction of biodiversity.


“The agreement has been espoused,” said Huang Runqiu, the Chinese chairman of the 15th International Conference on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Montréal, Canada. However, only Congo does not support the agreement.

The so-called “Peace Pact with Nature” or “Kunming-Montréal Agreement” aims to protect land, oceans and species from pollution, degradation and climate change. One of the central goals is to protect 30 percent of the world’s land and sea by 2030. The approximately 200 participating countries also want to spend more money on protecting species diversity.

The text also offers guarantees to indigenous peoples, custodians of 80 percent of the planet’s remaining biodiversity, and proposes restoring 30 percent of degraded areas and halving the risk associated with pesticides.

After the adoption of the final statement, cheers broke out at the session in Montréal.

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