British Opposition Worried About the Failure to A Breakthrough in Brussels

What are the Political Opportunities of the New Anti Brexit Party? ‘Breaking Point’ was the text on the immigration poster that led to the Brexit.

After the secretions at the Labor party and the Tories on February 18, the question now arises: are we here witnessing a breaking point in British politics? The political ‘team’ of The Independent Group already thinks so.

The British House of Lords has an advantage over the House of Commons: there are separate banks for Lords and Ladies who feel unrelated to one of the established parties.

On the so-called crossbenches, which are at odds with the conventional banks, are the peers above the party politics, such as the former directors of the BBC and the British secret service, as well as the former bosses of the civil servant, Scotland Yard and the old Archbishop of the Anglican Church.

By Mattoo Rani

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