The Trade Agreement between US and UK is Still Possible

It is cake and egg again between British Prime Minister Theresa May and US President Donald Trump. In a joint press conference, Trump returned to the harsh criticism he voiced in The Sun about May’s Brexit plans.


In the interview with The Sun, which was released on Thursday evening when May and Trump sat together at the dinner table, Trump said that any trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States would not go ahead with a soft Brexit.

She wrecked it
The US would then actually have to talk to the EU again, was the point. May would have ignored his advice: he would have told her how she could best deal with the Brexit, but that she had ‘messed it up’.

She would have gone in the opposite direction with her plan. In passing, he reported – on request – that Boris Johnson, who had just resigned, would be an excellent prime minister.

Working on an opportunistic agreement
Now it appears that the soup is eaten less hot than it was served. “If the United Kingdom leaves the European Union next year, we will be working on an opportunistic trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom,” said Theresa May at the press conference.

“I told Theresa that whatever they do, that is good for us. It is very complicated, Brexit is not easy. But I have said that they have to make sure that we can act together, “continued Trump.

Fake news
He did the interview himself as ‘fake news’, even though there are recordings of Trump while he says those things. The American president believes that his statements have been taken out of context…

According to him, there is no criticism of Prime Minister May who does ‘great work’. “We are big trading partners, and there is a possibility to double the trade, maybe three or four times as big, but it will be difficult, but we both want it, and so we succeed”, Trump said.

May repeated during the press conference sometimes that the United Kingdom will leave the EU on 29 March next year. “We are hoping for a great trade relationship with the United States and a good trade relationship with the European Union, as far as we are concerned it is not an or-of-story.”

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!